Friday, January 18, 2019

January 19

On This Day in...
1920 - The American Civil Liberties Union was founded
1983 – Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie is arrested in Bolivia.
1986 – The first IBM PC computer virus is released into the wild. A boot sector virus dubbed (c)Brain, it was created by the Farooq Alvi Brothers in Lahore, Pakistan, reportedly to deter unauthorized copying of the software they had written.
Happy Birthday to...
Lucas Faydherbe

Lysander Spooner

“A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.”
“If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any band of robbers have only to declare themselves a government, and all their robberies are legalized.”

Edgar Allen Poe

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."

Paul Cézanne

Arturo Graf

"Nothing prevents happiness as much as the desire for more"

Sophie Taeuber-Arp

Rex Ingamells
"The Campfires of the Past"

A thousand, thousand camp fires every night,
in ages gone, would twinkle to the dark
from crest and valley in the rolling bush,
from mulga scrub and mallee scrub, from dunes
of Central sand, from gaps in straggling ranges,
from gibber plains and plains of iron-wood,
through leaves and in the open, from the mangroves
by shore of Carpenteria, from rocks
and beaches of the Bight.....for countless aeons,
a thousand, thousand camp fires burned each night,
and, by the fires, the Old Men told their tales
which held their listeners spellbound.... Every night
among the fires men chanted to the beat
of stick and boomerangs and clap of hands,
or drone-and-boom of didgeridoo, the songs
rising and falling, trailing, quickening,
while eyes gleamed bright, through smoke drift, bodies shone
and dusked in fitful glow amid the shadows.......

Rod Evans

Janis Joplin

Trevor Williams

Dolly Parton

Robert Palmer

Martha Davis

Cindy Sherman

Thomas Kinkade

Janine Antoni


"The Poe Toaster paid a stealthy visit to the cenotaph marking the site of Poe's original grave, in Baltimore, every January 19th for almost 80 years."

Thursday, January 17, 2019

January 18

On This Day in...
1896 – An X-ray generating machine is exhibited for the first time by H. L. Smith.

1977 – Scientists identify a previously unknown bacterium as the cause of the mysterious Legionnaires' disease.
1981 – Phil Smith and Phil Mayfield parachute off a Houston skyscraper, becoming the first two people to BASE jump from objects in all four categories: buildings, antennae, spans (bridges), and earth (cliffs).
Happy Birthday to...
A.A. Milne

"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them."

Aleksandra Ekster

Danny Kaye

Robert Anton Wilson

"You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you."

"Only the madman is absolutely sure."

"Belief is the death of intelligence."

Raymond Briggs

David Ruffin

Dave Greenslade

R. Stevie Moore

Jim O'Rourke

January 17

On this day in ...
Let's just say a lot of bad shit happened on this day in the past.
This is like maybe the best thing that happened:
In 1929 – Popeye the Sailor Man, a cartoon character created by E. C. Segar, first appears in the Thimble Theatre comic strip.
Click HERE to peep it.

"During the Church Committee hearings in 1975, evidence came to light that under the FBI's COINTELPRO actions, FBI agents had deliberately fanned flames of division and enmity between the Black Panther Party and Organization US. Death threats and humiliating cartoons created by the FBI were sent to each group, made to look as if they originated with the other group, with the explicit intention of inciting deadly violence and division."

Birthdays are cool right? Happy Birthday to...
Antonio del Pollaiolo

Anne Brontë

"But he that dares not grasp the thorn Should never crave the rose."


T. Alexander Harrison

May Gibbs

Harry Price

Hem Vejakorn

Georges Pichard

Antonio Prohías

Eartha Kitt

"Orson Welles once called her the "most exciting woman in the world."

This guy

Alain Badiou
-"Liberal capitalism is not at all the Good of humanity. Quite the contrary; it is the vehicle of savage, destructive nihilism."

This fuckin' guy

A few other people.

Hexagram 60 is named 節 (jié), "Articulating". Other variations include "limitation" and "moderation".

January 16

On This Day in...
1909 – Ernest Shackleton's expedition finds the magnetic South Pole.
1969 – Soviet spacecraft Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5 perform the first-ever docking of manned spacecraft in orbit, the first-ever transfer of crew from one space vehicle to another, and the only time such a transfer was accomplished with a space walk.

Happy Birthday to...
Lucas Achtschellinck

Peter Scheemakers

Francesco Scavullo

Bob Bogle

Lisa Milroy

Damo Suzuki

John Carpenter

Dieter Mobius
Conny Plank, holding his son Stephan, and Dieter Moebius at Conny's studio, 1974


Stevie Jackson

"...that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief, but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of Religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge or affect their civil capacities..." (from the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom drafted by Thomas Jefferson and enacted into state law on January 16, 1786)

January 19

On This Day in... 1920 - The American Civil Liberties Union was founded 1983 – Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie is arrested in Bolivia. 1986 –...